torek, oktober 30, 2007

'Uncanny Valley' theory

'Uncanny Valley' theory:

"As characters become more photo-realistic, you start to believe in them more and more. With humans characters, you get to a certain point of realism. What happens is there are characters that are so realistic you want to believe they are actually human. Then you notice their deficiencies. They have very plastic skin or very wooden eyes. All of the sudden they just become creepy. They are like zombie people, rather than appealing computer people. The appeal of the character rises, then drops dramatically, then rises again as you approach photo-realism."

2 komentarja:

Anonimni pravi ...

to pa ut premau pera pride!!!!!!!!!

Data pravi ...

jah se strinajm, pa od tega k prjatle kličeš, oni pa se ne uglasjo tud !

ni čudn da sem pol žejen !